One paper on analyzing ML for corn yield prediction accepted at Smart Agricultural Technology! Congrats to Shengfang Ma, my former M.S. student, whose thesis drove this work! Paper can be found here.
One paper on social activity understanding accepted at ICPR 2024! Congrats to Shubham Trehan, my Ph.D. student! Preprint can be found here.
One paper on open-world egocentric activity understanding accepted at ECCV 2024! Congrats to my PhD students Sanjoy and Shubham! Preprint can be found here.
One paper on time series understanding accepted at ICPR 2024! Congrats to Ragav, my former MS student whose thesis work drove this paper! Preprint can be found here.
One paper accepted for Oral presentation at IEEE ICMLA 2023! Congrats to Shubham and my undergrad student Udhav on their second and first papers, respectively!
Serving as Senior Program Committee Member for CODS-COMAD 2024
Our paper, with Dr. Sudeep Sarkar (USF), on neuro-symbolic knowledge distillation for commonsense NLI has been accepted into the prestigious IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence! Preprint to come soon!
Received the prestigious NSF CAREER award to pursue research on multi-modal event understanding!
One paper on self-distillation for commonsense question answering accepted to ICPR 2022! Congrats to my student Priya on her first paper!
One paper on open world action recognition in egocentric videos accepted to Pattern Recognition Letters! Congrats to my student Sanjoy on his second paper!
One paper on using building an active vision system for action localization with embodied agents is accepted at WACV 2022! Congrats to my student Shubham on his first paper!
Book chapter with Ramy Mounir and Dr. Sudeep Sarkar on event understanding to appear in Elsevier Series on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition!
One paper on using transformers for metagenome analysis accepted at the ICDM 2021 Workshops! Preprint coming soon!
One paper on using Adversarial Co-Training for Sim2Real transfer in Metagenome analysis has been accepted at PAKDD 2021! Congrats Vineela and Vennela! Preprint coming soon!
Invited as reviewer for CVPR 2021, ICML 2021, CRV 2021, ICCV 2021.
One paper on Unsupervised Gaze Prediction in Egocentric Videos with Pattern Theory has been accepted at VISAPP 2021! Initial preprint can be found here.
One paper on Genome Sequence Classification for Animal Diagnostics with Deep Learning accepted at ICMLA 2020! Preprint can be found here!
One paper on Benchmarking Object Detection models on Resource Constrained Domains accepted at AIPR 2020! Congrats Sanjoy and Nikhil! Preprint coming soon!
Organizing the DEEP-DIAL Workshop at AAAI 2021 with Biplav Srivastava, Ullas Nambiar and Imed Zitouni! More details to follow!
Invited as reviewer for ICLR 2021, AAAI 2021.
One paper accepted at ECCV 2020 on Self-supervised Action Localization with Continual Predictive Learning! More details to follow!
Awarded NSF Medium Proposal for Self-Supervised Event Understanding in Streaming Videos! It is a collaborative effort with Dr. Sudeep Sarkar (USF) and Dr. Anuj Srivastava (FSU). More details to follow!
Named Outstanding Reviewer at CVPR 2020!
Invited as reviewer for NeurIPS 2020, WACV 2021, ACCV 2020, ICPR 2020!
Organizing a special session on "Machine Learning for Graphs" at ICMLA'20 . Website is now live!
I will be on the Program Committee/Reviewer for WACV 2019, ICCV 2019, AAAI 2020, CVPR 2020, CRV 2020, ECCV 2020.
Fall '19:
One paper accepted at VLSID 2020 on Dissecting CNNs for Implementation on Constrained Platforms.
Fall '19:
One paper accepted at IFIP IoT on Latent Space modeling for PUF encrypted IoT Node security.
Summer '19:
I have accepted a position as Assistant Professor at Oklahoma State University. Exciting times ahead!
Spring '19:
One paper accepted at ISVLSI on Machine Learning based Attack and Defense for PUF-based IoT Security.
Spring '19:
One paper accepted at CVPR on Video Event Segmentation with Self-Supervised Learning.
Fall '18:
Paper on Open Domain Activity Interpretation accepted in Quarterly of Applied Mathematics.
Fall '18:
One paper accepted at WACV 2019 on Video Activity Interpretation using Commonsense Knowledge.